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    本实验室采用动物的皮肤和毛发为模型,从以下两个方面开展研究:(1) 器官的形成和再生;(2) 肿瘤治疗相关医学问题。希望通过对具体问题的分析,揭示自然界的复杂和美妙,以及改造自然,造福人类所面临的重重困难。

1器官形成和再生 (Organogenesis and Regeneration)     细胞是生物体的基本结构功能单位,然而细胞的无序堆积只能形成肿瘤。正常器官的大小、形状和结构都受到严格控制。我们采用羽毛的形成过程作为模型,探讨细胞堆积的调控原理这一基本的生物学问题(Yue et al., PNAS 2006; Cheng et al., Nature Communications 2018; Lin & Yue, Development 2018)。

鸟类的羽毛,和哺乳动物的毛发一样,具有很强的再生能力。我们知道,这种再生过程也不是总能进行,比如很多人的头发就慢慢的失去了再生能力。研究表明,再生过程可能通过基因网络的反馈特征进行调节(Yue et al., Nature 2005; Yue et al., Dev Biol 2012; Chu et al.,Dev Biol 2014;Lin et al., Development 2018)。

2. 肿瘤治疗相关医学问题 (Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy)     放疗和化疗是当今肿瘤治疗最常见、最主要的手段,然而遗憾的是,不仅普通人对这些过程缺乏认识,医学界的认识也相当肤浅:化疗药物会引起人体什么样的反应?电离辐射如何导致组织损伤?同样的治疗方案,病人的反应却差异显著:有的人几乎能够痊愈,而有的人却在治疗过程中病情持续恶化。围绕这些问题,我们与福建医科大学附属协和医院开展了卓有成效的合作研究(Chen et al. Plos One 2014; Liao et al., JID 2016; Xie et al., JID 2017; Wang et al., ExD 2018;Gao et al., ExD 2018)。

最近,我们对化疗损伤机制的研究取得了重要进展。我们发现:化疗药物导致了一个对组织生长调节非常重要的信号分子-- Shh的表达下降,部分研究结果发表在皮肤科学的顶级杂志 JID (Xie et al. 2015)。在小鼠和人类毛发中的研究结果正在投稿中(in revision)。



Editorial Board,Experimental Dermatology

福建省动物学会,理事; 福建省发育与神经生物学重点实验室,学术委员会


基金支持 (在研

1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31871468,从化疗脱发揭示Shh 基因表达调控的新机制,2019/01-2022/12,在研,主持。

2. 福建省科技厅自然科学基金项目, 2017J01630 , 急性放射性皮肤损伤中活性氧调控E-cadherin/b-catenin 粘着连接的机制,2017/04-2020/04,在研,主持。

3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,81703146,化疗脱发中p53 对Sonic Hedgehog 信号通路调控机制研究,2018/01-2020/12,在研(课题组成员周桂炫博士主持)。

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81673094,急性放射性皮肤损伤中桥粒结构的变化及功能意义,2017/01-2020/12,在研,参与(合作者福建医科大学附属协和医院放疗科徐本华主任主持)。

5. 福建省科技厅重点项目,2014Y0023,直肠癌术前同期放化疗期间肠道急性反应的临床研究,2014/09-2017/08,已结题,参与。

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31371472,应用毛发和羽毛模型研究化疗药物损伤正常组织的分子机制,2014/01-2014/12,已结题,主持。

7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31071285,非经典Wnt 信号途径调控羽毛细胞形状及形态构建,2011/01-2013/12,已结题,主持。


相关论文 (代表作


1. Gao Q, Zhou G, Lin SJ, Paus R, Yue Z*.
How chemotherapy and radiotherapy damage the tissue: Comparative biology lessons from feather and hair models.
Exp Dermatol (Accepted).

2. Lin X, Gao Q, Zhu L, Zhou G, Ni S, Han H, Yue Z*.
Long noncoding RNAs regulate Wnt signaling during feather regeneration.
Development 145(21). pii: dev162388, 2018.

3. Lin J, Yue Z*.
Coupling of apical-basal polarity and planar cell polarity to interpret the Wnt signaling gradient in feather development.
Development 145(17). pii: dev162792, 2018.

4. Wang M, Gao Q, Teng X, Pan M, Lin T, Zhou G, Xu B, Yue Z*.
Ionizing radiation, but not ultraviolet radiation, induces mitotic catastrophe in mouse epidermal keratinocytes with aberrant cell cycle checkpoints.
Exp Dermatol 27(7): 791-794, 2018.

5. Cheng D, Yan X, Qiu G, Zhang J, Wang H, Feng T,Tian Y, Xu H, Wang M, He W, Wu P, Widelitz RB, Chuong CM, Yue Z*.
Contraction of basal filopodia controls periodic feather branching via Notch and FGF signaling.
Nat Commun 9(1): 1345, 2018.

6. Xu B, Chen Y, Guo Y, Zhou D, Yue Z, Duan Q, Yang Y, Guan G, Chi P, Lin C.
Pretreatment tumor thickness as a predictor of pathologic complete response to neoadjuvant
chemoradiation therapy for stage II/III rectal adenocarcinoma.
Am J Clin Oncol 41(6): 601-606, 2018.



7. Yue Z*, Xu B.
The feather model for chemo- and radiation therapy-induced tissue damage.
Methods Mol Biol 1650: 299-307, 2017.

8. Xie G, Ao X, Lin T, Zhou G, Wang M, Wang H, Chen Y, Li X, Xu B*, He W, Han H, Ramot Y, Paus R, Yue Z*.
E-cadherin-mediated cell contact controls the epidermal damage response in radiation dermatitis.
J Invest Dermatol 137(8): 1731-1739, 2017.


9. Liao C, Xie G, Zhu L, Chen X, Li X, Lu H, Xu B*, Ramot Y, Paus R, Yue Z*.
p53 is a direct transcriptional repressor of Keratin 17: lessons from a rat model of radiation dermatitis.
J Invest Dermatol 136(3): 680-689, 2016.


10. Lu H, Chu Q, Xie G, Han H, Chen Z, Xu B*, Yue Z*
Circadian gene expression predicts patient response to neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy for rectal cancer.
Int J Clin Exp Pathol 8(9): 10985-10994, 2015.

11. Xu B, Guo Y, Chen Y, Lu H, Tang T, Yue Z, Guan G, Chi P, Lin C.
Is the irradiated small bowel volume still a predictor for acute lower gastrointestinal toxicity during preoperative concurrent chemo-radiotherapy for rectal cancer when using intensity-modulated radiation therapy?
Radiat Oncol 10: 257, 2015.

12. Xie G, Wang H, Yan Z, Cai L, Zhou G, He W, Paus R, Yue Z*.
Testing chemotherapeutic agents in the feather follicle identifies a selective blockade of cell proliferation and a key role for sonic hedgehog signaling in chemotherapy-induced tissue damage.
J Invest Dermatol 135(3): 690-700, 2015.
Highlighted in: Chiu and Chuong. Feather on the cap of medicine. J Invest Dermatol 135(7): 1719-1721, 2015.


13. Wang M, Yue Z*, Paus R, Ramot Y.
SIRT2 as a new player in epigenetic programming of keratinocyte differentiation and a candidate tumor suppressor.
Exp Dermatol 23(9): 636-638, 2014.

14. Chu Q, Cai L, Fu Y, Chen X, Yan Z, Lin X, Zhou G, Han H, Widelitz RB, Chuong CM, Wu W, Yue Z*.
Dkk2/Frzb in the dermal papillae regulates feather regeneration.
Dev Biol 387: 167-178, 2014.

15. Chen X, Liao C, Chu Q, Zhou G, Lin X, Li X, Lu H, Xu B*, Yue Z*.
Dissecting the molecular mechanism of ionizing radiation-induced tissue damage in the feather follicle.
Plos One 9(2): e89234, 2014.


2013 及之前

16. Lin SJ, Wideliz RB, Yue Z, Li A, Wu X, Jiang TX, Wu P, Chuong CM.
Feather regeneration as a model for organogenesis.
Dev Growth Differ 55(1): 139-148, 2013.

17. Yue Z, Jiang TX, Wu P, Widelitz RB, Chuong CM.
Sprouty/FGF signaling regulates the proximal-distal feather morphology and the size of dermal papillae.
Dev Biol 372(1): 45-54, 2012.

18. Zhao J, Kawai K, Wang H, Wu D, Wang M, Yue Z, Zhang J, Liu YH.
Loss of Msx2 function down-regulates the FoxE3 expression and results in anterior segment dysgenesis resembling Peters anomaly.
Am J Pathol 180(6): 2230-2239, 2012.

19. Yue Z*, Zhuang F, Liu YH, Ho CM.
Interrogating cell signalling network sensitively monitors cell fate transition during early differentiation of mouse embryonic stem cells.
Sci China Life Sci 53(1): 78-86, 2010. (中国科学)

20. Yue Z, Jiang TX, Widelitz RB, Chuong CM.
Wnt3a gradient converts radial to bilateral feather symmetry via topological arrangement of epithelia.
PNAS 103(4): 951-955, 2006.

21. Yue Z, Jiang TX, Widelitz RB, Chuong CM.
Mapping stem cell activities in the feather follicle.
Nature 438(7070): 1026-1029, 2005.
Highlighted in: Cell culture: Academy awards. Cell 144(4): 459, 2011.



1. Coordinated cell shape and adhesion change in a feather model of organogenesis. 中国细胞生物学年会(细胞粘附,极性,迁移和疾病组),天津,2019。

2.Keratin 17 regulates p53-dependent gene expression and G2/M cell cycle transition in radiation-induced skin damage responses. The 9th international symposium on DNA Damage Response & Human Disease, ShenZhen, 2018。





7.Periodic feather branching and its application in medical research. Avian Model Systems 9, Taipei, 2016。





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