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2007年西北大学学士, 2010年西北大学硕士,2015年中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所博士。2015年福州大学生命科学研究所助理研究员。






 1. Xu, D., Yao M., Wang, Y., Yuan, L., Hoeck, J., Yu, J., Liu L., Yeap, Y., Zhang, F., Feng, Y., et al. (2018). MEKK3 Coordinates with FBW7 to Regulate WDR62 Stability and Neurogenesis. Plos biology, 16 (2).

2. Li, C., Wang, Q., Jiang, Y., Ye, Q., Xu, D., Gao, F., Xu, J.W., Wang, R., Zhu, X., Shi, L., et al. (2018). Disruption of glial cell development by Zika virus contributes to severe microcephalic newborn mice. Cell discovery 4, 43.

3. Xu, D.*, Zhu, Y.G., Xu, Z.H.*. (2017) Efficient genetic manipulationin the developing brain of tree shrew using in utero electroporation and virus infection. Journal of Genetics and Genomics 44 (10), 507-509. ( *corresponding author)

4. Yoon, K.J., Song, G., Qian, X., Pan, J., Xu, D., Rho, H.S., Kim, N.S., Habela, C., Zheng, L., Jacob, F., et al. (2017). Zika-virus-encoded NS2A disrupts mammalian cortical neurogenesis by degrading adherens junction proteins. Cell Stem Cell 21(3), 349-358.

5. Li, C. #, Xu, D.#,Ye, Q.#, Hong, S. #, Jiang Y.S., Liu, X.Y., Zhang, N.N., Shi, L., Qin, C.F., Xu, Z.H. (2016). Zika virus disrupts neural progenitor development and leads to microcephaly in mice. Cell Stem Cell 19, 120-126.( #co-first)(IF=23.394) (高被引,热点文章)

6. Zhang, F., Yu, J., Yang, T., Xu, D., Chi, Z., Xia, Y., and Xu, Z.H. (2016). A novel c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling complex involved in neuronal migration during brain development. Journal of Biological Chemistry 291, 11466-11475.

7. Xu, D., and Xu, Z.H. (2016). Driving WDR62 to the pole. Cell Cycle 15, 1180-1181. (IF=4.565)

8. Xu, D., Zhang, F., Wang, Y.Q., Sun, Y.M., and Xu, Z.H. (2014). Microcephaly-associated protein WDR62 regulates neurogenesis through JNK1 in the developing neocortex. Cell Reports. 6, 104-116. 

9. Zhang, F., Xu, D., Yuan L., Sun, Y.M., and Xu, Z.H. (2014). Epigenetic regulation of Atrophin1 by lysine-specific demethylase 1 is required for cortical progenitor maintenance. Nature Communications 5, 5815.

10. Lim, N.R., Yeap, Y.Y., Zhao, T.T., Yip, Y.Y., Wong, S.C., Xu, D., Ang, C.S., Williamson, N.A., Xu, Z., Bogoyevitch, M.A., et al. (2014). Opposing roles for JNK and Aurora A in regulating WD40-Repeat Protein 62 association with spindle microtubules. Journal of Cell Science 128, 527-540.

11. Du, Z.#, Xu, D. #, Li, L., Shi, Y., Schlappi, M., and Xu, Z.Q. (2012). Inhibitory effects of Arabidopsis EARLI1 against Botrytis cinerea and Bradysia difformis. PlantCell,Tissueand Organ Culture 110, 435-443. (#co-first) 

12. Li, L., Zhang, C., Xu, D., Schlappi, M., and Xu, Z.Q. (2012). Expression of recombinant EARLI1, a hybrid proline-rich protein of Arabidopsis, in Escherichia coli and its inhibition effect to the growth of fungal pathogens and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Gene 506, 50-61. 

13. Xu, D., Huang, X., Xu, Z.Q., and Schlappi, M. (2011). The HyPRP gene EARLI1 has an auxiliary role for germinability and early seedling development under low temperature and salt stress conditions in Arabidopsis thaliana. Planta 234, 565-577.  

14. Xu, Z.Q., Huang, X.A., Feng, C., Tian, N., Xu, D., and Feng, S.Z. (2010). Multicellular genesis of leaf primordium was demonstrated via chimaeric transgenic plant of maize (Zea mays L.) regenerated from Type II calli. Molecular Biology Reports 37, 3525-3531. 

15. Chen, L.Y., Chen, Q.L., Xu, D., Hao, J.G., Schlappi, M., and Xu, Z.Q. (2009). Changes of gentiopicroside synthesis during somatic embryogenesis in Gentiana macrophylla. Planta Medica 75, 1618-1624. 

16. 徐丹,陈立余,徐子勤 (2009). 甜高粱离体再生体系的建立和组织结构变化的观察. 植物生理学通讯 45, 771-774


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